The balls project is done!!!!!!!!! THANKS GOD!!!!!!!!!
That took my soul, blood and sweat to finish it!!!!D8
Lucky I have nice time management, could finish before other groups start; or else, we will be fighting over the computers to do pencil test... HA. = ="
I wish I could upload videos of my project up here, but it takes FOREVER to upload, so I gave up.
But post it on facebook is wayyyy faster, I don't know why...
THESE are the amount of paper I used for this assignment.
Impressive eh?? xD
And in every single page, there is only ONE tiny little circle in there!!!
Pencil guide: 1
Frames: 25
Frames: 82
Frames: 160
And 2 other frames of background... so in total, there are 286 pieces of paper I have used.
I swear I'm gonna reuse these papers. T______T
And later this night, I played with my gouache again~
Except the foot and the abs one, the rest are based on my imaginary. o3o
Not my best works, but with more practices, the more skill I'll get. :)